Why were you looking for a nutrition coach?

I had gained weight recently and wanted to adjust my eating habits. Also, I always kind of ate what I wanted and it was ok. I’m a bit older now and realized I need to construct my meals in a more mindful way but didn’t know where to begin.

What did we accomplish together?

So much!

1) I learned how to stay on track while also being social, having drinks and going out of course more than I thought would be “allowed”
2) I feel more confident in building my meals and eating out- I know what to look for on a menu and what makes a complete meal.
3) I love getting outside and hitting my 10k steps everyday - usually way surpassing that!
4) I know how to get back on track the next morning after a night of indulging, which honestly feels like one of the biggest wins! It’s all about planning, which doesn’t take as long as I initially thought it would.

What were the biggest results you achieved?

Mindset is the biggest one for me!! How to maintain this and not having food anxiety when I go out. But also my body changes were amazing!! I feel so good and confident.

What was the most valuable part of my coaching for you?

Accountability for sure was helpful. Knowing I’d had to answer questions every week (which seemed annoying at first lol). I really made sure to do the work so I could be proud of what I was sharing with you. The “rules” or guidelines around building meals is super easy to follow and truly feel like I’m able to eat all the foods I love still, just more mindfully!

What did you like about the coaching program?

I loved the guide for what to eat at each meal. It gave me the flexibility to build my own meals and not feel like I was eating meals someone else had curated. The weekly check ins were also really valuable to make sure I was staying on track and to see my own progress, made me want to stick to it even more.

What didn’t you like about the coaching program?

At first I didn’t like the questionnaire or photos. But they clearly helped so much! There was nothing I didn’t like to be honest.

Were there any standout learning moments for you over the duration of this program?

One bad meal doesn’t make you gain weight. Planning for a healthy morning really sets your day on the right track

Is there anything else you would like to add?

I’m so happy I decided to do this program. I’ve been telling so many people about it and stressing that it is not a fad diet but rather a lifestyle change and it’s one I’m sooo happy about and can’t wait to continue eating this way and feeling healthy!!!